Blog: Bus Tickets to Bus passes
Naomi Jones
Why did Marshall IB change from bus tickets to bus passes? There has to be reasons for why they would do something like this. From what has been said people have been selling there bus tickets for money. That’s bad for the rest of us in school and the people who really need them. The rest of IB shouldn’t be punished for what other people do. The bus tickets seem more convenient for kids now a day in school. Bus passes are okay but, what about the time limit on it? The time limit is good for some people but, bad for others. People who come to school and go right back home need a bus pass. For people who stay after school need bus tickets. They need bus tickets because they stay after school for a long period time. People who stay after school need bus tickets because they may stay for a long time or they may have a game that day and can’t get home. Seeing as bus tickets have no time limit it’ll be better for them. Speaking from an athlete’s point of view bus tickets is better for us. Bus passes have a time limit 5:30 am to 6:30 pm. I think they should establish which people are athletes and which ones are students so they spilt it down the middle between tickets and passes. That will be better for some people because that way it won’t be good for some people and bad for others. It’ll be 50/50 between the students and athlete’s to see who gets what. Some people stay after longer than that meaning they may not get home on time.
We went around and took a poll about bus passes and bus tickets. Majority vote that we need bus tickets more than bus passes. I interviewed about 55 people around the school (including athlete’s) asking them which one is better. Out of the 55 people 38 of them choose bus tickets. The other 17 people decided they wanted bus passes. So my question is why we switched from tickets to passes. Last year we didn’t have passes and now they want to change it. I don’t think that’s necessary for us to change because it was kind of stupid in a sense. I think that if they were going to switch it up they should’ve asked the students or took a poll about which one they wanted. People should have the right to choose which ones we want. It should be our opinion to choose which one we want. I think we should’ve kept bus tickets instead of bus passes. So I ask the students of MMIB what do you think about the switch between bus tickets and bus passes.
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