Blog: Half a Day
By Darius Stevens
The students at Marshall high school I think we all deserve to have half a day on Tuesdays and Thursday because those are the longest days during the week. US students really deserve to have it because we all do our work. We work hard for ours school and teachers. Half a day make students happy and we get more time to get in all of our work because we will have time. Why? When we get out of school our regular time we usually go to work or we have things to do around the house. That’s another reason why we need half a day. The reason the students is being cranky because we be sitting do a all day. We don’t get enough time for our break. Then when we are sitting down all day our body parts get tired of just being their all day. The half of days would mean a lot to us kids because we need a rest now and then.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Half a days...Where did they go?
Blog: Half a Day
By Darius Stevens
The students at Marshall high school I think we all deserve to have half a day on Tuesdays and Thursday because those are the longest days during the week. US students really deserve to have it because we all do our work. We work hard for ours school and teachers. Half a day make students happy and we get more time to get in all of our work because we will have time. Why? When we get out of school our regular time we usually go to work or we have things to do around the house. That’s another reason why we need half a day. The reason the students is being cranky because we be sitting do a all day. We don’t get enough time for our break. Then when we are sitting down all day our body parts get tired of just being their all day. The half of days would mean a lot to us kids because we need a rest now and then.
By Darius Stevens
The students at Marshall high school I think we all deserve to have half a day on Tuesdays and Thursday because those are the longest days during the week. US students really deserve to have it because we all do our work. We work hard for ours school and teachers. Half a day make students happy and we get more time to get in all of our work because we will have time. Why? When we get out of school our regular time we usually go to work or we have things to do around the house. That’s another reason why we need half a day. The reason the students is being cranky because we be sitting do a all day. We don’t get enough time for our break. Then when we are sitting down all day our body parts get tired of just being their all day. The half of days would mean a lot to us kids because we need a rest now and then.
Student Voice- Snack Time
Student Voice- snack time
By:Racquel Bryant
At the beginning of the school year we had snack time and then it stopped after about
three weeks. On occupation days we eat lunch extremely early, so we get hungry about two hours
later. We should be able to eat what we want to eat as long as it’s not too messy. Junk food should
be considered a snack as well, because some carbohydrates- {sugars and proteins) are good for
your body .Every student in the school deserves to have a snack while working hard in their class.
Snack time should be Tuesday and Thursday during our long occupation classes. We could make
this happen by finding ways to raise money so that we can keep our snack time regularly. Snacks
can be very costly. We have to be able to function the correct way, while getting our work done.
If we’re thinking hard enough, our work will look better and it will get done quicker.
We as high school kids eat a whole lot more than younger kids. We also need a snack because
some of us don’t really like to eat the food that we have for lunch. Snack time should be after
lunch. It’s always good when a school can give students options for what they want and need. That
will draw more kids to come to our school, because we are the greatest school in the Milwaukee
school district.
By:Racquel Bryant
At the beginning of the school year we had snack time and then it stopped after about
three weeks. On occupation days we eat lunch extremely early, so we get hungry about two hours
later. We should be able to eat what we want to eat as long as it’s not too messy. Junk food should
be considered a snack as well, because some carbohydrates- {sugars and proteins) are good for
your body .Every student in the school deserves to have a snack while working hard in their class.
Snack time should be Tuesday and Thursday during our long occupation classes. We could make
this happen by finding ways to raise money so that we can keep our snack time regularly. Snacks
can be very costly. We have to be able to function the correct way, while getting our work done.
If we’re thinking hard enough, our work will look better and it will get done quicker.
We as high school kids eat a whole lot more than younger kids. We also need a snack because
some of us don’t really like to eat the food that we have for lunch. Snack time should be after
lunch. It’s always good when a school can give students options for what they want and need. That
will draw more kids to come to our school, because we are the greatest school in the Milwaukee
school district.
Study Hall
By:Giovanni Ragsdale
Blog: Why are there no study halls for freshman and sophomores?
That is a question that many freshman and sophomores including me are asking and I still haven’t found any answers. I asked a couple of teachers (Mr. Magnuson and Ms. Lemke) and they both gave the same response saying “that is a great question that I wish I had the answer to”. They went on to say that they felt like a study hall for freshman and sophomores would be a great idea. I also think that it is a great idea because the work at MMIB is very challenging, and I know that we all can agree on that, so a study hall would be a great opportunity for the students.
Study hall is given to juniors only in MMIB and I feel like that is unfair. I think that all of the students in MMIB get about the same amount of work so I think that we all deserve to have a study hall. I think that if a study hall was given to every student it could help to raise grades and test scores. Study hall could be used in various ways like to do some class work or home work from your classes, study for a quiz or test, start a study group and get help with some of the things that you don’t understand or you could just use the study hall as a grace period after a day of work you can take a rest. Study hall could be used as a time during the day to just relax listen to your mp3 or I pod and get some work done.
In order for the MMIB freshman and sophomores to get study hall there will be a couple of steps you need to take to make this happen. You should ask yourself do you really want a study hall. If your answer to that question is yes than you need to follow these steps to get a study hall, first you and or a group of people need to first write the issue that you are talking about, next you need to get the opinion of other students, the next and final step is to go to either Ms. Hmeleski, Mr. Stefanovich or Mr. Zimmers and talk to them about it and it will be in their hands to make the decision on if a study hall will be given to you. I would recommend that every student try to get study hall could it could be a great opportunity for you to improve your grades. I think that if study hall is given it should be given on Tuesday and Thursday during the last hour of the day. I think that would be a good time for it because on Tuesday and Thursday’s are classes are 3 hours long and it would be shorter if you have study hall for the last hour.
Please comment on your opinion and how you feel about this blog.
By:Giovanni Ragsdale
Blog: Why are there no study halls for freshman and sophomores?
That is a question that many freshman and sophomores including me are asking and I still haven’t found any answers. I asked a couple of teachers (Mr. Magnuson and Ms. Lemke) and they both gave the same response saying “that is a great question that I wish I had the answer to”. They went on to say that they felt like a study hall for freshman and sophomores would be a great idea. I also think that it is a great idea because the work at MMIB is very challenging, and I know that we all can agree on that, so a study hall would be a great opportunity for the students.
Study hall is given to juniors only in MMIB and I feel like that is unfair. I think that all of the students in MMIB get about the same amount of work so I think that we all deserve to have a study hall. I think that if a study hall was given to every student it could help to raise grades and test scores. Study hall could be used in various ways like to do some class work or home work from your classes, study for a quiz or test, start a study group and get help with some of the things that you don’t understand or you could just use the study hall as a grace period after a day of work you can take a rest. Study hall could be used as a time during the day to just relax listen to your mp3 or I pod and get some work done.
In order for the MMIB freshman and sophomores to get study hall there will be a couple of steps you need to take to make this happen. You should ask yourself do you really want a study hall. If your answer to that question is yes than you need to follow these steps to get a study hall, first you and or a group of people need to first write the issue that you are talking about, next you need to get the opinion of other students, the next and final step is to go to either Ms. Hmeleski, Mr. Stefanovich or Mr. Zimmers and talk to them about it and it will be in their hands to make the decision on if a study hall will be given to you. I would recommend that every student try to get study hall could it could be a great opportunity for you to improve your grades. I think that if study hall is given it should be given on Tuesday and Thursday during the last hour of the day. I think that would be a good time for it because on Tuesday and Thursday’s are classes are 3 hours long and it would be shorter if you have study hall for the last hour.
Please comment on your opinion and how you feel about this blog.
Three Hour Occupations
My name is Tanosha Jackson and I have a complaint about the last block of occupation and why we shouldn’t have to sit in a class for three hours. It’s already crazy that we eat our lunch at 10:00 on Tuesdays and Thursday but to have to it in a class for three hours is a torture. I think I speak for all students when I say that don’t nobody just want to sit in one class for three hours. We hate just sitting there for hours and doing the same work and looking at the same teacher. We get a ten minute break but that’s not nothing we should at least get a thirty minute break. We as students shouldn’t have to work for three hours straight. Teacher when they work for three hours straight somewhere along the line they get a break and it’s not for ten minute and they get paid. We also feel if we are forced to stay in a class room for three hours we at least should get a snack by us eating lunch so early we be hungry later in the day during class time. A way that the teachers could change it is instead of us students having a class for three hours split our class in half and give us another occupation class so we would have four classes instead of three and we also can be focused on more then one class
Bus Tickets to Bus Passes
Blog: Bus Tickets to Bus passes
Naomi Jones
Why did Marshall IB change from bus tickets to bus passes? There has to be reasons for why they would do something like this. From what has been said people have been selling there bus tickets for money. That’s bad for the rest of us in school and the people who really need them. The rest of IB shouldn’t be punished for what other people do. The bus tickets seem more convenient for kids now a day in school. Bus passes are okay but, what about the time limit on it? The time limit is good for some people but, bad for others. People who come to school and go right back home need a bus pass. For people who stay after school need bus tickets. They need bus tickets because they stay after school for a long period time. People who stay after school need bus tickets because they may stay for a long time or they may have a game that day and can’t get home. Seeing as bus tickets have no time limit it’ll be better for them. Speaking from an athlete’s point of view bus tickets is better for us. Bus passes have a time limit 5:30 am to 6:30 pm. I think they should establish which people are athletes and which ones are students so they spilt it down the middle between tickets and passes. That will be better for some people because that way it won’t be good for some people and bad for others. It’ll be 50/50 between the students and athlete’s to see who gets what. Some people stay after longer than that meaning they may not get home on time.
We went around and took a poll about bus passes and bus tickets. Majority vote that we need bus tickets more than bus passes. I interviewed about 55 people around the school (including athlete’s) asking them which one is better. Out of the 55 people 38 of them choose bus tickets. The other 17 people decided they wanted bus passes. So my question is why we switched from tickets to passes. Last year we didn’t have passes and now they want to change it. I don’t think that’s necessary for us to change because it was kind of stupid in a sense. I think that if they were going to switch it up they should’ve asked the students or took a poll about which one they wanted. People should have the right to choose which ones we want. It should be our opinion to choose which one we want. I think we should’ve kept bus tickets instead of bus passes. So I ask the students of MMIB what do you think about the switch between bus tickets and bus passes.
Naomi Jones
We went around and took a poll about bus passes and bus tickets. Majority vote that we need bus tickets more than bus passes. I interviewed about 55 people around the school (including athlete’s) asking them which one is better. Out of the 55 people 38 of them choose bus tickets. The other 17 people decided they wanted bus passes. So my question is why we switched from tickets to passes. Last year we didn’t have passes and now they want to change it. I don’t think that’s necessary for us to change because it was kind of stupid in a sense. I think that if they were going to switch it up they should’ve asked the students or took a poll about which one they wanted. People should have the right to choose which ones we want. It should be our opinion to choose which one we want. I think we should’ve kept bus tickets instead of bus passes. So I ask the students of MMIB what do you think about the switch between bus tickets and bus passes.
What's the deal with school Lunch?
Blog- What’s the Deal with School Lunch?
By:Kazimir Hardy
What up MMIB!! My name is Kazimir and I have something to address about the school lunch. Why don’t we get better lunch than the lunches we get? We deserve better. Almost every week we have a meal from the previous week and that meal would be admitted into the next week lunch menu. Why can’t we go to off-campus to get lunch? Are we not trustworthy enough? There are some people in MMIB that deserve to go off campus. Some kids are trustworthy to go off campus the school should recognize those people so that they can eat better food than the school’s meal. What do you think we should do besides off-campus lunch? I think we should be able to pick an order of some sort of what we want for lunch in our menus. I’m a freshman and on my first day we had nachos and every week since then, we have had nachos or tacos every week. I’ve had so many meals with tacos or nachos that I don’t even eat those meals any more.
Sometimes the school lunch is nasty and I see people throw their lunch away and I would see them later on that day I hear or they tell me that they are hungry and can’t wait to get home to eat something good. In growing power they leave campus with a staff member from MMIB and when they come back they and sometimes they get to go to a fast food restaurant for lunch. It’s no problem to me because I’ll be able to do that soon but right now it seems unfair because they walk down the halls with their soda cups and fast food eating and some kids had to eat nasty fish or chicken while others eat fast food.I asked one of the kitchen staff members why we have ea
By:Kazimir Hardy
What up MMIB!! My name is Kazimir and I have something to address about the school lunch. Why don’t we get better lunch than the lunches we get? We deserve better. Almost every week we have a meal from the previous week and that meal would be admitted into the next week lunch menu. Why can’t we go to off-campus to get lunch? Are we not trustworthy enough? There are some people in MMIB that deserve to go off campus. Some kids are trustworthy to go off campus the school should recognize those people so that they can eat better food than the school’s meal. What do you think we should do besides off-campus lunch? I think we should be able to pick an order of some sort of what we want for lunch in our menus. I’m a freshman and on my first day we had nachos and every week since then, we have had nachos or tacos every week. I’ve had so many meals with tacos or nachos that I don’t even eat those meals any more.
Sometimes the school lunch is nasty and I see people throw their lunch away and I would see them later on that day I hear or they tell me that they are hungry and can’t wait to get home to eat something good. In growing power they leave campus with a staff member from MMIB and when they come back they and sometimes they get to go to a fast food restaurant for lunch. It’s no problem to me because I’ll be able to do that soon but right now it seems unfair because they walk down the halls with their soda cups and fast food eating and some kids had to eat nasty fish or chicken while others eat fast food.I asked one of the kitchen staff members why we have ea
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